Vision – Tūruapō
Every care family and whānau is enabled, supported, and has the skills to provide tamariki a secure and healing home.
Our Mission – Whakatakanga
- To strengthen the care family and whānau to provide stability for children in care through a healing environment.
- To uphold the mana of tamariki, their caregivers and whānau.
- Working in partnership with family, whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori organisations and other stakeholders to provide:
- Support – emotional and tangible
- Training and learning opportunities
- Information
- Advocacy – individual and systemic
Guiding Principles

The child’s best interest being paramount

Working with integrity and respect in a professional manner at all times

Acknowledging our bicultural commitment to caregivers in New Zealand

Clear communication, participation, innovation, collaboration and mutual respect.

Consulting with caregivers and ensuring we represent their best interests.

Promoting excellence in caregiving and professional practice.

Practice for children in care will be trauma-informed, attachment-framed and evidence-based.