0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Caring Family logo, it's turquoise and orange, with acircle shape with Maori pattern inside the logo

Donate Now

Your gift will help loving individuals transform a child’s life

A safe and loving family home is the cornerstone for a happy and productive life, but thousands of New Zealand children and young people experience abuse and neglect instead. When this happens, foster and whānau caregivers open their hearts and homes to traumatised children in need.

Your gift will help foster and whānau caregivers transform a child’s life and provide a safe and loving home for as long as it’s needed.

If you would like to make a single or regular gift from your credit card, please complete the form.

If you would prefer to support us with an automatic payment or internet banking payment, we have several different accounts you may wish to pay into. Please refer to the following list for the type of donation you wish to make and the best account number to use:

I would like to: ANZ Bank Account to use Reference or Code Need Help?
Set up a regular gift from my account to yours 01 0142 0059999 21 [First Name] [Last Name] + RG 0800 69 33 23
Give to a Family Fun Day Event/Invoice 01 0142 0059999 01 FFD Invoice Number + Company Name 0800 69 33 23
Make a One-Off Donation to the work of CFA 01 0142 0059999 00 [Name – Company or Person] + Donation 0800 69 33 23
Pay a CFA Invoice 01 0142 0059999 00 CFA Invoice Number + Company Name 0800 69 33 23
Other Reasons to Give 01 0142 0059999 00 [Name – Company or Person] + Donation 0800 69 33 23

If you have any questions about your donation to CFA or need to amend any supporter details, please phone the 0800 number above or email Amy (donations@caringfamilies.org.nz). She’ll be very pleased to hear from you!

You can also email The Fundraising Team your feedback or questions, or freephone 0800 693 323.

Thank you for your thoughtful support.


Caring Families Aotearoa get a little extra help from our fundraising call centre partners, who contact supporters on our behalf, inviting them to help foster a brighter future for kids in care.

If you receive a call asking you to consider supporting our work please be assured, this is likely to be a legitimate team member calling you on our behalf. If you have any concerns, please contact us toll free on 0800 693 323.

We are a small team so this allows us to focus on other areas of our work, ensuring that we can be there for all caregivers who need our help, advocacy, and support.


‘Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much’
Helen Keller