0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Caring Family logo, it's turquoise and orange, with acircle shape with Maori pattern inside the logo

Make a difference

Whether you and your whānau want to become a caregiver, help organise events for care families or make a donation, there are many ways you can improve the outcome for tamariki in care and their families.

Become a Caregiver

Caregivers come from all sorts of backgrounds. Caregivers can be married, partnered or single. They can be working full-time or a stay-at-home parent. Some caregivers own their own home, while other caregivers are renting.

What all successful caregivers have in common is the ability to provide a safe, nurturing home, and the capacity to understand how trauma impacts on a child’s behaviour.

Leaving a Gift
in Your Will

A gift in your Will to Caring Families Aotearoa is a very special act of kindness. Referred to as a bequest, a gift in your Will ensures foster parents and whānau caregivers have the skills, knowledge and support to turn around the lives of children in foster care for generations to come.


In each region there is a Regional Committee/Panel made up of up-to six caregivers from the region, National Office team as required, and the Regional Coordinator. The Regional Committee will approve event proposals from the Support Groups and offer assistance where necessary. They may plan/organise events for all members in their region and promote events on Facebook.


Your gift will help foster and whānau caregivers transform a child’s life and provide a safe and loving home for as long as it’s needed.

If you would like to make a single or regular gift from your credit card, please complete the form.

Run a Support Group

Caring Families Aotearoa have local support groups that provide peer support in your region. Support groups are made up of other Caring Families Aotearoa members who meet regularly for a cup of tea and support.

You are also more then welcome to set up your own support group, for more information follow the link below.

Join a Regional Committee

In each region there is a Regional Committee/Panel made up of up-to six caregivers from the region, National Office team as required, and the Regional Coordinator. The Regional Committee will approve event proposals from the Support Groups and offer assistance where necessary. They may plan/organise events for all members in their region and promote events on Facebook.

Critical Support Worker

As part of Caring Families Aotearoa Allegation Support Service the Allegation team assign a Critical Support Worker to help the Caregiver until the investigation is completed.

Caring Families Aotearoa currently have 15 Critical Support Workers around the country and we are currently looking for more volunteers.

To find out more about this invaluable role, or volunteer to become a Crticial Support Worker please click below.