0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Caring Family logo, it's turquoise and orange, with acircle shape with Maori pattern inside the logo


Strong support is vital to ensure stable and secure homes for children in care. It is so important you never feel alone during your caregiving journey. Caring Families Aotearoa offers a variety of support, advocacy and information to meet your individual needs.

You can access support by contacting your local Regional Coordinator or national office on 0800 693 323. We will either help you ourselves, or connect you to the help you need. Whether you need information, support with a child’s behaviour or you just need someone to listen.

One on One Support

We can help you – Our Regional Coordinators, throughout Aotearoa, are here to support you and your whānau through your challenges. Whether you’re experiencing a behavioural issue with your tamariki, or you just need someone to listen to you or advocate for you.

Connect With Other Caregivers

We have a wide range of caregiver Support Groups throughout Aotearoa for members. We feel it is important to connect you with others who ‘have walked in your shoes’ and have shared your experiences, tears and laughter, frustration and joy.

Allegations Support

Caregiving brings many challenges. As a caregiver you are responsible for some of the most vulnerable children in society; you provide a vital service. It is therefore distressing when an allegation is made about the way you care for a child or young person.

Facebook Groups

Caring Families Aotearoa have private Facebook groups that are for caregivers that are members of Caring Families Aotearoa only. Facebook groups are a good place to connect and to share ideas. There is no pressure to join, it is just another way of connecting with other caregivers. Once you request to join, and as a member, you will be accepted straight away.



Recently I was in an impossible situation with things not going at all well for our foster son. So I rang Caring Families Aotearoa and was blown away by the continued support we received. A huge thank you to those who fielded my calls. I encourage anyone at the end of the road to pick up the phone.

A grateful caregiver who contacted their Regional Coordinator