0800 693 323

Allegations: 0800 693 278


Caring Family logo, it's turquoise and orange, with acircle shape with Maori pattern inside the logo

Professional Resources


DDP Network

“Find out about Dyadic Developmental Psychotherapy, how to become certified in DDP, the parenting approach, resources, training courses and conferences”


Dr Dan Hughes – Parenting a Traumatised Child While Living through COVID-19

“Dan Hughes talks with Sez Morse, to foster carers, adopters, parents under pressure and all adults around traumatised children as we navigate our way through the Coronavirus pandemic.”


We work in partnership with care organisations and iwi to meet the needs of the caregivers, whānau and tamariki in their community. Our training is designed to be tailor made for your community.

Become a Member

Caregivers from your organisation can become a member of ours, free, and enjoy connecting with other caregivers, special events, regular newsletters, confidential support service and training opportunities.